2022-2024 Board
Zonta Club of the Villages |
Upcoming Meetings for 2025
January 13 - Belvedere Library February 10 - Belvedere March 10 - TBD April 14 - TBD May 12 - Membership Social Interested in becoming a member or learning more about us contact : Gail Formanack [email protected] or Jeannie Dumphey [email protected] |
The Zonta Club of The Villages open their ears and hearts to the needs of the community. This caring attitude is reflected in its many service projects. Members attend meetings monthly to coordinate community projects and fundraising activities.
The Zonta Club of The Villages and Zonta International are focused on advancing the status of women globally, nationally and locally. Monthly Club meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month, at Elan Buena Vista on 466, The Villages. Membership Benefits Members are encouraged to participate in the numerous opportunities for fellowship with other Zontians. From Area Workshops, District Conferences and International Conventions, Zontians are fun-loving and sociable! With the International Directory, Zontians are able to plan visits with other Zonta clubs as they travel or vacation throughout the world. Friendships that grow beyond the local level truly make the Zonta Club of The Villages an International club! Please click "Contact Us" learn more about becoming a member. |